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Take Yer’ Collective BackDate: 22nd November 2008
Venue: Hotel Central II, Keningau
Time: 1 p.m. till end
22nd of November 2008, a little group from the enclaves’ suburban community so-called Kaseh Kolektif has organizes an undetected gathering. Instead of playing music and band at the show, it is the time for Kaseh Kolektif reflecting the constructing collective back in community gathering, organizing something ‘burning’ and rebuilding. Since I was in Kuala Lumpur, for 2 months a half, staying in a little place called “Sunway”, I already plan to make this workshop establish collectively in Borneo. After having discussion with friends in Sunway and Kudeta members, then I found my own ways to make something more ‘destructive and collective constructive’. Before I come out with the ideas of making this workshop collective, I come out with little discussion with friends around Kota Kinabalu, Tuaran, Ranau, and Keningau. So, we discuss all the things about workshop through email group. Well, I thoughts that this are best ways to communicate direct with all friends by sending the workshop ideas through email, but suddenly I commit failures. Only few friends who concern about making this workshop going to be establish DIY action. So I take action to send all the information about workshop through ‘myspace’ (hishhh!). What can I do? Everyone have time to update their picture, so maybe if I send the information through myspace, it can be more effective. But suddenly, a few people who concern about it. Anyway, this workshop doesn’t forcing anyone to be involved. Everyone is welcome sincerely thru collective. The theme of the workshop is called ‘Take yer’ collective back’. The idea is to know how the process of the collective, can be fertilizing in a small group of people. The ideas of DIY (Do-it-yourself) is not expressing about ‘your own action’ or to be done by your own ways, it should be done together with the rest friends who believe that DIY is the way to make the collective stand together and regaining back the consensus, consciousness, and of course to plan the strategy of destructive//rebuilding. We realized that to establish any diy events has never concerning about the consequences of any sponsorship to cover up the entire budget or to an order exactly formal venue to establish community discussion. So, these workshop are not only focusing on the group discussion, but also exchange acknowledgment as the part of free education, sharing food together in a small pack of friends, and also sharing music and explanation of the interpersonal expression about the ideas inside the lyrics. It’s all about making something bigger rather than being alone. The sharing is about to being, and the seed is about to be grow! So, continue the stories of what just happened in Keningau last November. Satu mulai!
22st of November 2008 – Early morning, Mimim, Ian and I went out to find banana leafs. According to the workshop tentative, the collective will be having an annual DIY dinner with vegans menu on the top of the banana plate. So, Mimin bring us to his uncle houses near by his houses. We pick 5 banana leafs and bring to Mimin house. We cut-out together, and pack it on plastic bag. After that, we went to buy vegetables and the rest vegan menu at the shop, near by mimin villages. It is quite hot and we still dizzy coz’ we’re not sleep enough last night ^o^. So, Mimin called up other friends, to pick us up at his house and bring to Ikmal houses for the cooking stuff. About 15 minute, Mr. Tone and his brother Weng, Billy and Richie come to join the cooking stuff. So, we went to Ikmal houses. So, we arrived at Ikmal houses and pick all the cooking stuff to the kitchen. Then, we cook all together. About 1 hour++, all the vegans menu has done completely, after tasted ^-^.
The workshop should be started at 1pm sharply, but otherwise we still waiting for other friends from district area like KK, Tuaran and Ranau. Seems that everyone notice through the myspace, so we wait for a while with a better hope foundation! ^o^. Till, 3 pm we meet Rezare (Hey Ho Lets Roll) at the Central Hotel II, at venue workshop. Seems everyone is waiting outside, so we start the workshop at 3.30 pm. The participants during workshop is quite nice, coz’ there also friends who not in Hardcore punk but still come to listen on the sharing discussion. So, I become to host of the workshop as well as the unofficial speaker. We start discuss about the main thing in collective, in different terms from DIY ideas, re-making back Kaseh Zine, and also strategy of making direct action. Some sort of the discussion group has given the collective an idea of making direct action, in terms of different perspectives and forms. The suggestion is;
“…Instead of making direct action through banner-sizing, we might do something outside the concrete jungle, for like going to suburban village, staying for a couple day, doing some social services like maybe we can arrange some activities like having gotong-royong, doing some research on the social problems, starting free education based on the indicators of arts and science, or maybe screening films – a short film, animation, that can reflects the need of collective leisure as well as regaining consciousness…”
I think it is more collectively and rebuilding a social classes integration without any sponsorship. The thing that we should need is communication with the local people. Communication is the key of making punk better than music. Some of friends were agree to make these ideas as part of collective actionist, and it is more enjoyable in illustrating the revolution process. Instead, this should be done together, with the ideas of DIY and also drove from all collectivist. The discussion also doesn’t forget about the early ideas of DIY itself, which keep our consciousness to wheel to organize our own activities of destruction and rebuilding. After having discussion about the collective and direct action strategy, the next discussion is about establishing the ideas of making Infoshop in Keningau. Instead, we still don’t have enough books to be display as well as to share to every reader. So, we come out with ideas like re-printing back fanzine which we concern to make people think, re-analyzing, and finding practical solution. There also a suggestion, to make the place as a place for discussion, jamming station and distribute some DIY stuff. The perfect place that been suggested is at the Mr. Tone jamming station. Even though the place is quite small, but yes at least we have place to make such as infoshop things. Although, these still need some collectivist hand on collecting books, fanzine, DIY stuff, short film, etc. KASEH ZINE Our next discussion is distribute Kaseh Zine back in action. We realize that zine publications are drowning to disappear in eyes of making hardcore punk as the links to the global diy communication! The significant of the technology applications such as internet online (myspace, blog etc) are actually giving us an opportunity to increase a better integrations community between hardcore punk scenes around the universe.
Meanwhile, the thing has getting us felt more leisure to get download, listen band music through the network, and this is become routine that majority is forgetting how the struggle begins on the early punk rock scene that started to be self-producing through DIY concepts. Till, it is getting to be forgotten and slowly wipe out from the scene consciousness. Indeed, the decision comes with the ideas of manipulating the system that we have, to react in unique DIY actions. Some of the suggestion by the collectivist is prefers that it the better to keep aware on how to manipulate the networking system as part of making a global punk integration. For example, like sharing information about the collective, action, latest DIY stuff, politics awareness, personal point of view, etc, something which I consider to be established is through yahoo group mailing-list. Otherwise, it might not be the good strategy to spread information, but yes through consideration between the communities in the scene, for sure the information can deliverer fast to person by person. Till the end, all collectivist were really felt enjoyable during those days. Certain of collectivist who attend also giving responded to each of discussion that been done, till we’re having more gags which we think it probably effective to reduce the pressure of ‘afraid to talks’ during the discussion.
Until 8.00 p.m. the discussion ends with consensus, and then all collectivist preparing food for having dinner together. It was fun and feel like having new big family, with different angels with dirty faces, having dinner together like a beautiful primitive dinner. It was cool. After having dinner, all collectivist gather and take rest while listening to the acoustic performance. It was a nice evening, where we all sing along together, especially the favorite local song called ‘Sayang Kinabalu’. It was catchy song played by Ian AxKx. Other acoustic song also played by Rezare and August. It was surprise that Rezare comes with the ideas of flip – animation papers during his acoustic song. It’s more fun rather watching your daily teenager’s television. The song is about ‘a life chickens’, which expressing the life of thousand chickens who suffering and been tortured at the slaughter industry. Kindly sad song, and yes I felt it. August played 3 songs called ‘My dear countryman’ – (expressing how the beautiful lies of metropolis thieves who come to take away everything from thy people, land, more elections, revolution day dreaming so the lies continue to establish confusion, and it’s what the ideas that has been expressing in this song), ‘Escape from another Springfield land’ (This songs is about unemployed person who find a way to exist from turning his life as urbanize metropolis workers. The end, he realize that the nature order gives him ideas how to grow his own food, build his own shelter, and live life full-time diy) and ‘I’ll never forget you’ (The songs is about friendship…that’s all ^o^).
The workshop end at 9.30 p.m and it successfully enjoyable!
P/s: comment and sharing ideas? Please let us know;